Taking Notes 101: Stones Cover Songs EP
R.X. "Bob" Bertoldi digs the Stones' music, and his EP title indicates he's learned from them. His takes on five of their hits offer a more stripped-down Americana sound and varied tempos. For example, RX's live studio recording of "Get Off of My Cloud" makes an acoustic blues of their 60s pop hit. Bob manages to lean into the strengths of these masters' tunes and, somehow, make them his own.
New Music Coming Soon — 7/10/2024 Released 2024

Album tracks

  • 1
    Happy (clip)
    R.X. Bertoldi
  • 2
    Beast of Burden (clip)
    R.X. Bertoldi
  • 3
    Get Off of My Cloud (clip)
    R.X. Bertoldi
  • 4
    You Can't Always Get What You Want (clip)
    R.X. Bertoldi
  • 5
    Heartbreaker (clip)
    R.X. Bertoldi
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